Unipathic Medicine is making the latest personalization available for patients. It brings together the latest technologies and innovations from around the world for cancer, chronic Lyme disease and chronic disease patients.

Why Unipathic Medicine is Desperately Needed

There are two critical reasons Unipathic Medicine is desperately needed for the treatment of cancer and chronic diseases. First, data has shown that the vast majority of patients today are seeking some sort of alternative/integrative care to add to their conventional treatment protocols. But there is a crisis of standards and quality control in the field. “Natural” and “alternative” options are buzz words that practitioners use to attract patients and meet demand. The term “integrative medicine” is being used and advertised by everyone from the big name hospitals, to the small town alternative medical practitioners, to the snake oil salesmen. Most conventional hospitals offer the same conventional treatments for every patient but have added on some “fluff” alternative therapies as a way to fit under the integrative umbrella and appease patients. To make matters worse, standards are lacking within the alternative medical industry itself- there are no quality controls, and most offered therapies are unsupported by research. Unlicensed and uncertified salesmen and practitioners share space under the same umbrella term as actual licensed naturopaths and other professionals. And what’s more, there is great disparity even among licensed alternative medical professionals when it comes to technology, training, and standards of care.

With everyone from Whole Foods to MD Anderson claiming to offer alternative/natural healthcare options, the precise science of true integrative medicine has been pillaged and left as an empty and formless wasteland. The term has been bastardized, and truly effective and targeted therapies have been lumped in with and lost amidst a sea of unproven and unscientific “feel good” therapies. Reiki, music therapy, light therapy, extreme and unproven diets, dubious supplements, therapeutic touch, healing crystals, new age practices- the list goes on and on. These varied and baseless therapies are all viewed as part of the same alternative medical model, making for a confusing smorgasbord of options that is impossible for patients to navigate. Patients are wasting precious time and money and are being sold a bag of missed opportunities. For some, it has cost them their lives.

The second reason Unipathic Medicine is desperately needed is because of the critical importance of utilizing targeted personalized medical care to achieve better outcomes for patients. Personalized diagnostics can reveal unique markers of disease that can then be more effectively treated with an individualized treatment protocol. No two cancers or chronic diseases are alike; therefore, better and more effective treatment necessitates that each patient’s protocol will likewise be personalized and different. But just like the term “integrative medicine,” “personalization” is another term quickly becoming diluted as it’s being used as a marketing ploy to attract patients. Actual personalized treatment still eludes most conventional and integrative healthcare providers alike.

The problem is two-fold. First, in reality, personalized medicine has only made great strides in laboratory testing and the identification of targets for treatment (e.g. biomarkers and molecular profiles). Red tape, politics, and financial interest have prevented the widespread availability of personalized treatment at the clinical and hospital level. The second problem is one of underutilization of those personalized tools that are already available. Most alternative medical practitioners lack the scientific know-how and training to effectively integrate and personalize treatment. And a small fraction of conventional medicine attempts to offer personalized pharmaceutical medicine but in a way that is too little too late. The conventional model standardizes care first (every patient is treated the same), and if that fails, in some limited circumstances, genetic information is used as a last resort. But cancer and chronic disease cannot simply be treated by prescription drugs based on symptomology and a “one size fits all” approach. They also cannot be treated based on outdated tissue biopsies after standardized treatment has failed and disease has already mutated and spread. Rather, these are complex systemic, genetic, and environmental diseases that require a high level of precision both in diagnosis and treatment. Genetic information and specialized diagnostics should be used throughout the entire treatment process, so that only the most effective treatments for each particular patient are used and no time is wasted. Lastly, among those few practitioners who already employ a personalized approach, there are still limitations. The prejudice of singular-minded medical providers to only personalize medicine in one particular discipline has stifled the availability of a wide array of effective treatments that could be properly synchronized to treat patients on a whole new level.

True integrative medicine should combine only the most effective, targeted, quality-controlled, and research-based treatments from the conventional, alternative, functional, allopathic, osteopathic, and naturopathic medical fields. It should be personalized for each patient based on his/her unique genetic pathways, underlying causes of disease, metabolic markers, immune system function, environmental factors, infection, endocrine imbalances, and more. Doctors should be trained and knowledgeable in a variety of disciplines and be able to pull from a full toolbox of the best-matched available treatments to serve each patient. The need for these critical objectives is dire, but achieving them has been out of reach until now.

Welcome to Unipathic Medicine: The Practice of Medicine at its Finest

Unipathic Medicine is a revolutionary system of medicine that unifies only the best research-based treatments from a variety of disciplines to safeguard patients and give them the best options for the treatment of cancer and chronic disease. It is a new diagnostic and treatment methodology that preserves and advances the precise science of true integrative medical practice. Unipathic Medicine applies peer-reviewed research and decades of proprietary treatment experience to create a unique medical blueprint for each patient. Our research-based and quality-controlled methodology ensures that from diagnostics to treatment, only the best conventional and natural approaches are employed at the right times, in the right sequence, and in the most efficacious ways to deliver revolutionary personalized care for each individual patient. Genomics, molecular profiling, in-depth diagnostics, and more ensure that each patient gets the most efficient, targeted, and effective care possible. Unipathic Medicine is the gold standard in integrative care and is the way the practice of medicine should be. It is medicine at its finest.

Unipathic Medicine: The Precise Science of Integrative Medicine

There is a delicate and precise clinical science behind the practice of true integrative medicine. It all starts with the proper specialized and in-depth diagnostic testing. The next step is the development of a personalized treatment plan, which includes knowing which alternative treatments to integrate with the proper targeted conventional ones. The last step in the practice of true integrative medicine is knowing how to administer these treatments- the timing, sequence, and method of delivery. Unipathic doctors ensure that each patient is provided with the latest technologies, innovations, and diagnostics from around the world and from a variety of medical disciplines, and that those treatments are administered in a quality-controlled, synergistic, and unified manner.

  1. Diagnosis: The Medical Blueprint
  2. Based on the peer-reviewed research as well as 15 years of clinical integrative medical experience, Unipathic medical providers utilize in-depth and specialized diagnostics for each patient. Diagnostics include such things as genomics, molecular profiling, metabolic markers, infection exposure, imaging, chemistries, heavy metal toxins, environmental toxins, inborn errors of metabolism, underlying causes of disease, nutritional analysis, immune status, endocrine imbalances, and more. These detailed findings create a “medical blueprint” for each patient that identifies unique targets for each patient’s expression of disease, which physicians use to guide treatment. Finding key targeted markers for cancer and chronic disease is a truly difficult task; however, better personalization has allowed for the discovery and utilization of new and wonderful agents. Unipathic doctors believe that no two cancers or chronic diseases are alike. Personalizing diagnostics is the key to more effective and efficient care for each individual patient. We employ this specialized and highly personalized information from the outset so that patients don’t waste time on treatments that will yield no benefit for their particular disease.

  3. Unipathic Proprietary Treatment Plans
  4. Once the medical blueprint is established, Unipathic doctors decide which targeted conventional and natural treatments are to be given and how to combine them correctly based on the patient’s personalized diagnostics. Because many of the disease markers that are being tested for do not have standard treatment approaches to address them, Unipathic Medicine utilizes proprietary treatments and strategies to match each patient’s individual needs. This step is where an integrative approach can make all the difference. Despite the panoply of drugs available, there are still markers of disease that remain out of reach of the traditional drug model. Conventional pharmacology simply can’t address them all. But when you add phytotherapeutics, immunotherapy, and other advanced alternative treatments, patients have the best chance for successful outcomes because the full spectrum of disease factors are being targeted. Having a full toolbox of integrated treatments is particularly important when you’re talking about complex systemic diseases like Lyme disease, autoimmune disease, and cancer. Lastly, the practice of medicine isn’t only about providing new and better treatment methods but also making sure that older proven methods aren’t overlooked. Unipathic doctors provide the best of the latest available as well as the tried and true.

  5. Administration and Integration
  6. Most “integrated” treatment approaches suffer from a problem that can best be described as “separate and thrown together.” Conventional and alternative treatments are typically given by different doctors, usually at different healthcare facilities, who are doing completely different things. These treatments are combined in such a way that one hand is unaware of what the other is doing. Even worse, most of the time the providers and treatments are at odds- providers from one discipline usually disagree with or ignore what the other is doing. Treatment approaches are separated or utilized in a haphazard and non-therapeutic manner, and patients have to pursue both on their own in the hopes that something will stick. Such treatment is anything but integrated. Instead, care by a Unipathic medical provider ensures that patients receive one seamless treatment approach that is precisely coordinated and integrated in the most effective and scientific way possible. What most “integrative” medical providers fail to understand is that there is a precise clinical science behind how to correctly administer and integrate therapies. Based on each patient’s unique disease and specialized diagnostic profile, Unipathic doctors ensure that the timing and sequence of conventional and alternative treatments are truly integrated in the best and most efficacious way.


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